September 05, 2023

Letter from the CEO September 2023

RSVP for Tribute Here

Dear Friends of Utah Global Diplomacy,

In September, we are proud to host our annual Tribute event—a momentous occasion where we extend our heartfelt recognition and honor to those who have ardently championed our mission, programs, and services. 

This year, we are thrilled to bestow the Citizen Diplomat award upon outstanding individuals who have shown exceptional dedication:

  • Franz Kolb, Director of International Trade & Diplomacy, Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, and U.S. Department of State's Honorary Consular to Austria.
  • DeAnna & Lynn DeBry, Dinner Host Volunteers.
  • Chris & Erlynn Lansing, Directors of the Church Hosting Office, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Franz Kolb Utah Global DiplomacyDeBrys Utah Global Diplomacylansing

Recently, Ms. Sara Jabry, an exchange program delegate from Morocco, eloquently shared her profound experience of meeting people from Utah: "We came from different countries, cultures, religions, and traditions, but we shared the same values and love and mutual respect. And those values know no boundaries.” This quote encapsulates the very essence of citizen diplomacy and Utah Global Diplomacy—a commitment to fostering respect and understanding between the people of Utah and nations around the world, one handshake at a time.

In an organization centered on forging meaningful people-to-people connections, you are the vital catalyst. Our work, our mission to create a more peaceful and prosperous world, is only made possible through your generous contributions of time, talent, and financial support. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all of you who:

  • Engage with our international visitors, generously sharing your professional expertise.
  • Open your homes, graciously hosting dinners and providing homestays.
  • Volunteer your time and energy at our events.
  • Serve on our Board of Directors, guiding us forward with your invaluable leadership.
  • Contribute to the growth of Utah Global Diplomacy through internships and volunteering at our office.
  • Extend your generosity by donating to Utah Global Diplomacy.

Your unwavering dedication fuels the heart of our organization, and together, we continue to write the inspiring story of Utah Global Diplomacy. Thank you for being the driving force behind our mission.

Of course, please join us on Tuesday, September 12, from 5:00 - 7:00 for our annual Tribute dinner, featuring Ambassador Ronald E. Neumann, President & CEO of the American Academy of Diplomacy, as our guest speaker. Click here for details and to RSVP

With immense gratitude,
Felecia Maxfield-Barrett
President & CEO